Defending the spirit.
Upholding the community.

“Our current economic system is not only unconstitutional but it robs us of the liberty and prosperity our forefathers fought and died for.”

-Mike Maloney

Our future is being robbed from us through economic suppression delivered by the hand of our own government. Our money supply is controlled by a private organization - not the treasury. The treasury just spends your future away by issuing trillions of dollars of debt. This abuse benefits the ones in control but has also lead to a debasement of the currency which robs you of your wealth. Our failing currency is not only the driver of our current recession but it destroys our economic independence, your livelihood and your spirit.


We are required to unite and reject the lie, defend ourselves from the oppressive take over and build a New Economic System based on sound money not debt.
A economy based on growth, production, independence and self sustainability that offers a future and returns the spirit to the soul.
We demand a government that puts it’s people first NOW.

Since the suspension of the gold standard in 1971, we subscribed to a system
of debt based expansion. This inflationary method artificially creates, what appears to be, growth.
This fools us to believe we are productive citizens. We become misguided and willingly hand everything over.
This all works, until it doesn't.

Our mission is common: To provide a safe and secure future for all.
We all have ideas and expertise that when brought together can solve immense problems.
Purple is a symbol that two sides can come together to create new future. A future that offers security, prosperity and hope.
We find value and real wealth is obtained by contributing to society.

We can be that society. This is that call.